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Naratevy Kek

+855 23 885 412;

Notes to editors:

BlocRice’s pilot project started in April 2018. The project is now testing to gain acknowledgement and recognition from all relevant stakeholders to build trust and improve the livelihoods of poor smallholder farmers.

The goal is to promote a “smart contract”, a three-way digital contract farming agreement between organic farmers, rice exporter and buyers in the Netherlands. The application of blockchain technology is expected to enhance the negotiation power of small-scale farmers in their rice value chains, who are usually poor primary producers.

Digital contracts linked to blockchain can be applied to influence people’s position in value chains and can set minimum standards (like access to inputs, purchase prices, wages, volumes, transport etc.) ensuring a living income and sustainable livelihood to people.

The BLOCRICE promotes the use of such digital contracts as tools for social and economic empowerment.